About a week later, Erroll called me and said that he needed a photographer for Networx and looked at my stuff wanted to talk to me about leading the photography division. He said he would never of called me if he hadn't been reminded by seeing my business card laying on a table.
Lucky me.
Being a newer company, my first task is to photograph all the staff. I was nervous because the budget was limited so renting lighting equipment was out of the question. I had to be resourceful and use flood and stage lighting. It was a process of trial and error to say the least.
The make-shift studio:
Small light diffused with parchment paper sitting on the stool shining on the white sheet to blow out the background, stage lights acted as the key and were convenient because I could aim them individually on the subjects, and I turned on only one of the two yellow flood lights on the light stand to act as a fill.
Here's what I got:
(an ill and unhappy, but helpful, [and handsome] husband)
This is in camera - no post. Obvious color correction was needed due to the different light temperatures. The harsh shadows on the neckline were easily fixed by flagging the stray light coming from the lamp on the stool and adding an extra layer of parchment paper to diffuse it.
Once all the images are passed on to Networx I'll link to the website. I'm hoping I like the end result.